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Short Contents
General Introduction
Document Version History
1 Document control
2 Using MIN for test cases implementation
3 Integrating MIN tests to build environment
4 Using MIN Parser for test data parsing
5 Using Test Scripter for creating scripted test cases
6 Using LuaScripter for creating scripted test cases
7 Python interpreter module
8 Using MIN Logger for logging purposes
9 Using MIN Event System for test cases synchronization
10 Running master/slave test cases over TCP/IP
11 MIN Text interface usage
12 Test interference
13 Compiling C++ test modules
14 MIN DBus interface
Appendix A GNU Free Documentation License
Table of Contents
General Introduction
Document Version History
1 Document control
1.1 Documentation conventions
1.2 Abbreviations and definitions
2 Using MIN for test cases implementation
2.1 Test Module API
2.1.1 tm_get_test_cases
2.1.2 tm_run_test_case
2.1.3 tm_initialize
2.1.4 tm_finalize
2.2 Test Module API features
2.2.1 tm_printf
2.3 Creating test module templates
2.4 Implementing test cases for a Hardcoded test module
2.5 Implementing test cases for a normal test module
2.6 Implementing test cases for a MINUnit test module
3 Integrating MIN tests to build environment
3.1 Support in Test Module Template Wizard
3.2 Test modules in one directory approach
4 Using MIN Parser for test data parsing
4.1 MIN Parser API
4.1.1 MinParser
4.1.2 MinSectionParser
4.1.3 MinItemParser
5 Using Test Scripter for creating scripted test cases
5.1 Test Scripter test case file
5.2 Setting up the Scripter
5.3 Creating a test class
5.4 Accessing script variables from test class
5.5 Scripter internal variables
5.6 General keywords
5.6.1 title keyword
5.6.2 timeout keyword
5.6.3 print keyword
5.6.4 var keyword
5.7 Test Case control
5.7.1 createx keyword
5.7.2 delete keyword
5.7.3 allownextresult keyword
5.7.4 allowerrorcodes keyword
5.7.5 sleep keyword
5.7.6 pausecombiner keyword (DEPRECATED)
5.7.7 run keyword
5.7.8 cancel keyword
5.7.9 pause keyword
5.7.10 resume keyword
5.7.11 complete keyword
5.7.12 loop keyword
5.7.13 breakloop keyword
5.7.14 endloop keyword
5.7.15 if else and endif keywords
5.7.16 Object name
5.8 Event control
5.8.1 request keyword
5.8.2 wait keyword
5.8.3 release keyword
5.8.4 set keyword
5.8.5 unset keyword
5.9 Remote test case control
5.9.1 allocate keyword
5.9.2 free keyword
5.9.3 sendreceive keyword
5.9.4 expect keyword
5.9.5 remote keyword
6 Using LuaScripter for creating scripted test cases
6.1 Overview of Lua scripting language
6.2 Lua Scripter test case file
6.3 Setting up the Lua Scripter
6.4 Lua test class
6.5 General
6.5.1 Test case result
6.5.2 Test case result description
6.5.3 Test case title
6.5.4 Calling test functions in test cases
6.6 MIN2Lua API
6.6.1 print method
6.6.2 load method
6.6.3 unload method
6.6.4 sleep method
6.6.5 request method
6.6.6 release method
6.6.7 set method
6.6.8 unset method
6.6.9 wait method
6.6.10 run method
6.6.11 slave_allocate method
6.6.12 slave_free method
6.6.13 expect method
6.6.14 send method
6.6.15 Remote test case execution
7 Python interpreter module
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Python test module usage
7.2.1 Configuration
7.3 Python test case definition
7.3.1 Test case file details
7.3.2 MIN python extension library reference
7.4 PyUnit cases wrapper
8 Using MIN Logger for logging purposes
8.1 MIN Logger API
8.1.1 MinLogger API
8.1.2 Use of MIN Logger
9 Using MIN Event System for test cases synchronization
9.1 Event interface for the test modules
9.1.1 State events
9.1.2 Indication events
9.2 MIN Event System usage
10 Running master/slave test cases over TCP/IP
10.1 MIN Daemon
10.2 Specifying slaves
10.3 Master/slave example
11 MIN Text interface usage
11.1 Critical information
11.2 Usage example
11.3 MIN Text interface API description
12 Test interference
12.1 Overview
12.2 Prerequisites
12.3 Test Interference API
12.3.1 ti_start_interference
12.3.2 ti_start_interference_timed
12.3.3 ti_pause_interference
12.3.4 ti_resume_interference
12.3.5 ti_stop_interference
12.4 Using test interference in scripted test cases
13 Compiling C++ test modules
13.1 Enabling C++ in MINUnit or HardCoded test module
14 MIN DBus interface
Appendix A GNU Free Documentation License