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he methods of MIN Logger are listed and explained below: The main methods of MinLogger are:
for creating MIN Logger "object"
for destroying MIN Logger instance
for logging message
for writing delimiter to log
for writing user defined delimiter to log
for get information about used output plug-in
for get information which logs are created
MinLogger *mnl_create (const TSChar * path, const TSChar * file, unsigned int loggertype, unsigned int output, TSBool overwrite, TSBool withtimestamp, TSBool withlinebreak, TSBool witheventranking, TSBool pididtologfile, TSBool createlogdir, unsigned int staticbuffersize, TSBool unicode)
const TSChar* path
const TSChar* file
unsigned int loggertype
unsigned int output
TSBool overwrite
TSBool withtimestamp
TSBool withlinebreak
TSBool witheventranking
TSBool pididtologfile
TSBool createlogdir
unsigned int staticbuffersize
TSBool unicode
void mnl_destroy (MinLogger** mnl)
MinLogger** mnl
int mnl_log (MinLogger * mnl, TSStyle style, const TSChar * format, ...);
MinLogger * mnl
TSStyle style
const TSChar * format
mnl_write_delimiter (MinLogger * mnl)
MinLogger * mnl
void mnl_write_own_delimiter (MinLogger * mnl, const TSChar c, unsigned int t);
MinLogger * mnl
const TSChar c
unsigned int t
unsigned int mnl_output_type (MinLogger * mnl)
MinLogger * mnl
unsigned int mnl_logger_type (MinLogger * mnl)
MinLogger * mnl