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6.2 Lua Scripter test case file

The Lua Scripter uses scripts written in Lua as the test case file. Each test must be defined as a separate function which does not take any parameters and which is prefixed with "case_" statement. Test case file may contain several test functions, and some defined global variables as well. User can define its own functions inside of a test case file - every function not prefixed with "case_" will not be treated as test case.

The test case result is returned from test case function to the MIN by using return keyword.

Interaction with MIN is achieved by using MIN2Lua API which is covered in this chapter.

An example of a test case file is described below:

     function case_foo() -- Test case title
     	min.print("Hello World");
     	return TP_PASSED;

Test case file may contain definitions. The definitions are global variables and can be defined as follows:

     -- Begin of define section
     MODULE = TestCaseModuleThatCanBeUsedWithLua
     -- End of define section
     function case_foo() -- Test case title
     	min.print(string.format("Using: %s test module",MODULE));