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9.1.2 Indication events

The indication events are used to send an event that a specific occasion has happened. Indications are not cached, so in order to receive an indication, it must have been requested before the indication event is set.

Indication Events

Figure above depicts the indication event handling. Client 1 sets a specific indication event always after some specific occasion. After client 2 starts, it requests the indication event and goes waiting for it. After client 1 sets the event, the waiting returns to client 2 and it proceeds the processing. After client 2 has done its tasks, it releases the event. Then client 1 sets the event again, but because client 2 has no pending event request, it does not get the event. Next, client 2 requests the event again. Client 1 then sets the event and when client 2 goes waiting for the event, it returns immediately because the event is set. After that, client 2 goes waiting for the event again and the waiting returns to client 2 when client 1 sets the event again. Finally, client 2 releases the event.