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3.2 Creating MIN Debian packages

MIN release includes metadata for creating Debian packages. The min and min-dev packages can be created with dpkg-buildpackage in the release min/ directory.
$ cd tags/<YYYY>w<WW>
$ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot

After running the command, min and min-dev packages should appear in the parent directory.
$ ls ../*.deb
../min_2008w50_i386.deb ../min-dev_2008w50_i386.deb

The MIN package install binaries (to /usr/bin), and a demo test library (to /usr/lib/min). The min-dev package contains Test Module Wizard and header and libraries needed to build MIN test modules.

After installing MIN package there should be min and tmc binaries in /usr/bin directory and a default min.conf in /etc/.