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3.1 Building MIN

Unzip the MIN package.
$ unzip MIN<year>w<week>.zip
Go to the package newly created directory.
$ cd MIN<year>w<week>/min
To build MIN, type:
$ sh
To Install MIN, type:
$ sudo make install
After these steps you should have MIN and tmc binaries in the /usr/bin directory and a default min.conf in /etc.

To start MIN, type:
$ min (uses the default min.conf from /etc)

When starting MIN, the tool searches min.conf file from following locations:

  1. Current working directory
  2. /home/<user name>/.min
  3. /etc

Use Test Module Wizard to generate new Test Module, as instructed in Creating test module templates. When building generated module, it is automatically added to ~/.min/min.conf file.