Next: Working with the MIN command line interface, Previous: Viewing the test case output, Up: Working with MIN Console UI
The MIN Console UI application can be used to create a test set containing a set of test cases that can be run either sequentially or in parallel. MIN Console UI supports one test set at a time, but a different test set can be loaded via Load test set menu, which specifies the test set name.
Test set controlling is handled from the Test set menu that can be found from the main menu of MIN Console UI. The Test set menu provides the possibility to create or load a test set, or to control a test set (add/remove test cases, save, remove or execute test set).
The saved test name is created using time stamp date and time for example 2008-1-23,14:52.set
. The default path for test sets is /home/<username>/.min
. This is the location to which test sets are saved and from which they are loaded.