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2.1 MIN architecture overview

The architecture is divided into three main layers: the interface layer, the engine layer and the test layer. The arrows show the direction of the data flow.

Figure below shows an overview of the MIN architecture.

MIN architecture overview

The architecture of MIN is modular. The interface between the modules is either a function call or IPC interface. There are no cyclic dependencies between the modules. The user interface module uses MIN Engine, MIN Engine uses Test Module Controller(s) and Test Module Controller uses test module.

Main modules are listed in Table below.

Module Type Multiplicity Implementation
User Interface Executable One Executable
EXT interface Executable One Executable
Engine Library One Static linked library
Test Module Controller Library Several instances Executable
Test Modules Library Several separate libraries and several instances Library (.so)

The MIN modules on the interface layer are described in Section MIN modules on the interface layer. The MIN Engine module on the engine layer is described in Section MIN module on the engine layer and the MIN modules on the test layer are described in Section MIN modules on the test layer.